
Using Custom View or Layout Templates

6 minutes and 38 seconds read.

Using Custom View or Layout Templates

Many Refinery sites have more than one look. Sometimes, the content from a page might have a different container, or the page itself might be laid out differently. This guide will:

  • Help you decide whether these techniques are appropriate for your site;
  • Guide you as to which technique is the appropriate one to use for your situation;
  • Show you how to enable both techniques.

Take a Second Look

When developing a site, you might stumble into an issue where you need to change the structure of the output page to accommodate a different look or a necessary DOM modification that cannot be achieved through the reordering of page parts. In these cases, it is nice to be able to quickly draft a second template and swap.

Refinery utilises a separate view file for the home page (refinery/pages/home.html.erb). In all other circumstances, by default, Refinery uses the show action of the Refinery::PagesController to render page content. That means overriding and editing refinery/pages/show.html.erb to change the structure. By default, that template is largely blank – it contains a reference to the refinery/_content_page partial, which utilises a complex series of classes beginning with the ContentPagePresenter.

This is rather advanced magic, and in some circumstances, this automatic rendering does not serve well – or we might need to wrap content inside an element. In this case, when we are customizing the rendering of only the page, not the header or footer or actual site layout, it is appropriate to enable Refinery's custom view templates.

Likewise, on some pages, we might prefer to wrap the content of a page inside a different layout, one where the header, footer, or other sections are laid out differently. In this case, it's appropropriate to enable Refinery's custom layout templates.

Using Custom View Templates

This is a straightforward process that enhances Refinery's capabilities greatly.

Create Template

Create app/views/refinery/pages/about_us.html.erb.

  • Inside of this file, you can either render '/refinery/content_page', or you can use page.content_for(:body) to output the content of a specific page part.

NOTE: Content is not marked as safe by default. To mark it as safe, use: raw page.content_for(:body)

Set Back-End Select

When editing your page, in the Advanced Options section you should see a select box labled View template. One of the options, aside from Home and Show which are there by default, will be About Us. It corresponds to the template you added in the previous step. Select it and save your page. Now view this page in the frontend and you should see that it utilises about_us.html.erb template.

Enabling Custom Layout Templates

This is nearly identical to enabling View Templates, with some additional steps:

Set Initializers

Open config/initializers/refinery/pages.rb.

  • Change config.use_layout_templates to true;
  • Change config.layout_template_whitelist to an array containing either string or symbol representations of your new layout's filename (i.e. if you will create a new layout called customer.html.erb, set this whitelist to [:application, :customer]). In order for a layout template to be displayed in the back-end, it must be present in the whitelist. When you select an option in the back-end corresponding to one of these whitelisted templates, it hands the name of the template to render :layout.
  • Create your new layout inside of app/views/layouts/, not in app/views/refinery/pages/.

Set Back-End Select

Then, when editing your page, you should see an option to change the layout template in the Advanced Options section.

When Not to Use Custom View Templates

Do not use your view template to instantiate collections (i.e. <% events = Refinery::Events::Event.all %>). This is a violation of MVC convention, and in certain circumstances, can cause major issues (such as when your Senior Programmer begins to pummel you with her fists). If you need to make new collections or objects available to your view templates, you have three options before you:

Use a Decorator to Add the Collection to Pages#show

Assuming we need access to a collection of events, create /app/decorators/controllers/refinery/pages/pages_controller_decorator.rb containing the following:

Refinery::PagesController.class_eval do
  before_action :fetch_events, :only => [:show]

  def fetch_events
    @events = ::Refinery::Events::Event.all
  protected :fetch_events

You can also entirely override the show method inside this decorator, too, if need be. You can [view the existing method here ( for reference.

This method has the advantage of constraining the find to occur only on pages that are not the home page (and not, for example, on any engine pages). There is one major downside, though - it will still perform the find on many other pages, which is not well-contained and has implications for performance.

Modify the ApplicationController

You can modify the ApplicationController in your host app to run a before filter, but this is even less efficient than the above-listed method. It is, however, the simplest method.

Create a Custom Action

This is actually relatively straightforward with one single exception. Basically, use a decorator to create an additional method on the PagesController:

# /app/decorators/controllers/refinery/pages/pages_controller_decorator.rb
Refinery::PagesController.class_eval do
  skip_before_action :find_page, :only => [:about_us]

  def about_us
    page = ::Refinery::Page.where(:link_url => '/about-us').first || error_404
    events = ::Refinery::Events::Event.all

WARNING. You may need to adjust the where method if you intend to rename the page at any point, since link_url is volatile.

You will also need to add a route to this method, or else the page will remain unaccessible. On the very first line of config/routes.rb, before anything else, add the following:

Refinery::Core::Engine.routes.prepend do
  get '/about-us', :to => 'pages#about_us', :as => :about_us

Your route file resumes here

Then this will use the app/views/refinery/pages/about_us.html.erb template by default.

There is one huge advantage to this method: the additional find is well-constrained to just a single page. There are, however, two downsides:

  1. This removes some of the flexibility afforded to you by Refinery, since you must be able to locate the Refinery::Page entry for the method to work;
  2. This requires you to prepend to routes, which is not a common idiom in Rails, and might be confusing to newcomers if you do not document properly.

When possible, you should prefer either of the two previous methods, but this last method is made available for completeness.