
Using a Refinery CMS extension as a standalone extension in your Rails Application

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Using a Refinery CMS extension as a standalone extension in your Rails Application

A Refinery CMS extension can be used as a standalone extension in your Rails application.

This guide will show you how to:

  • Bootstrap a rails application with just the use of a Refinery CMS extension like refinerycms-blog

Bootstrap a rails app with just the use of a Refinery CMS extension like refinerycms-blog

First, bootstrap a new rails application:

$ rails _4.2.6_ new blog_test_app

Put just the refinerycms-blog in your project's Gemfile:

gem "refinerycms-blog", git: ""

This will merely pull in refinerycms-core and refinerycms-settings based on the current gemspec dependencies.

Then you can run:

$ bundle install
$ rails generate refinery:cms

And all the other normal set up tasks like migrations.

Now, you should have a Rails app with only the Refinery CMS Blog.

Finally, start your application and enjoy the use of Refinery CMS Blog only:

$ rails server