
Changes to extensions in Refinery 3.0

2 minutes and 18 seconds read.

Changes to extensions in Refinery 3.0

Some of the changes introduced with Refinery 3.0 affect extensions.


Refinery 3.0 uses icons from FontAwesome instead of individual icon images. A full discussion of the changes and how to take advantage of them is in Github issues.


If the extension has assets that should always be compiled with the Refinery backend add the following code to the file extension/config/initializers/refinery/core.rb.

  Refinery::Core.configure do |config|
    # Register extra javascripts for backend
    config.register_javascript "refinerycms-extension.js"

    # Register extra stylesheets for backend
    config.register_stylesheet "refinerycms-extension.css"

  Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( refinerycms-extension.css refinerycms-extension.js )

NOTE 1: you must specify the targets of the precompile rather than the files you are using. If you are using Coffeescript and SASS you must still add extension.js and extension.css to the precompile array.

NOTE 2: it is a good idea to name your extension's asset files with the full name of your extension. There is less chance of a conflict between the extensions assets and an applications assets. So:

OK: gadgets.js, gadgets.scss

Better: refinerycms-gadgets.js, refinerycms-gadgets.scss

The innocent developer may well write his own gadgets.css, but is unlikely to call his stylesheet refinerycms-gadgets.css.

Decorators and Strong Parameters

Rails 4 requires the use of strong parameters.

If your engine adds fields to a page, blog post or other Refinery object you need to add your fields to the Refinery::Page's (BlogPost, etc) list of accepted parameters.

Here is an example that allows a page to be created or updated with extra fields.

module RefineryGadgetsPagesControllerDecorator
  def permitted_page_params
    super <<  [:gadget_enabled, :gadget_count, gadgets:[:id, :name]]

Refinery::Admin::PagesController.send :prepend, RefineryGadgetsPagesControllerDecorator

Page Decorators

If an extension is producing an object or collection to be displayed on a page you can use decorators to add the object or collection to the page.

# app/decorators/models/refinery/gadgets_page_decorator.rb

# Open the Refinery::Page model for manipulation
Refinery::Page.class_eval do
  attr_accessor :gadgets

  def gadgets
    @gadgets = if gadget_enabled

When it comes to writing a view you can now use page.gadgets to access the gadgets collection.