
What's New in Refinery CMS 0.9.9

3 minutes and 2 seconds read.

Refinery CMS 0.9.9 has just been released. This version marks the end of new features until the 1.0. So what's new in this version?

Key New Features

  • Refinery can now attach itself to a Rails application simply by including the refinerycms gem in your Gemfile.
  • We changed Refinery's authentication to use Devise.
  • Refinery now allows you to translate your content into different languages using Globalize3.
  • Refinery is now translated into 19 languages.

Noteworthy Features

  • Applied HTML5 history pagination
  • No more RMagick dependency
  • Added multiple file upload for images and resources using HTML5.
  • Superusers now get access to all backend tabs by default.
  • Better RSpec coverage
  • Several performance improvements

Check out the change log for the full list.

How to Update

First install/update your refinerycms gem:

gem install refinerycms --version 0.9.9

Next you can update from 0.9.8.x versions by running our installer and specifying --update like so:
refinerycms /path/to/my/application --update

Make sure you don't run this from within your application's directory or Rails will reject it.
Please make sure you have a full backup of your project as some files will be modified because Refinery now attaches itself differently to your Rails application so many files are reverted to their Rails defaults. You will need to copy across any changes you have made to these files from your backup after running the update command.

Moving Toward the 1.0 Release

Since we're not adding any new features until the 1.0 release, we need to make sure every issue found is reported and fixed for the 1.0 release. Please report any issues you find on the GitHub issue tracker.

Broadening Horizons

We've been working hard to make it easier to add Refinery to existing projects. Now you can attach Refinery to any Rails project simply by adding it in the Gemfile. This change opens up new opportunities for you and Refinery. But you still might have some "clashes" with Refinery and your existing application.

Rails 3.1 is set to have some features which will allow you to compartmentalise Refinery from other dependencies in your project. So when that's released we'll have a really good idea of where to start when it comes to say making Spree and Refinery work side by side in the same Rails application without clashing. The move to Devise in this release only makes the authentication side of things easier to integrate.

Thanks to the Contributors

We actively encourage people to contribute and are very proud of our community of more than 85 contributors who have helped to get to the project to where it is today. If you are using Refinery and have a fix or improvement please don't hold back. There's even a guide here on how to contribute to Refinery.