
Refinery CMS 3.0.4 Released

1 minutes and 52 seconds read.

Refinery CMS 3.0.4 is also a little but useful maintenance version. You can read the changelog which has GitHub ticket numbers assigned for each entry in case you want to dive deeper.

The most important changes are :

  • Add warning when page content has been sanitized [#3170].
  • Allow all data attributes through the HTML sanitizer [#3187].
  • Fixed sitemap generation for multiple frontend locales [#3218].
  • Allow finders to be defined for each action [#3146].
  • Fix Gemfile additions when using --heroku [#3219].

What's new?

  • We have officially start the dev of the 3.1.0 version of Refinery CMS, the goals is mainly the  Rails 5 support.
  • And we continue our work for the 4.0.0 version with the  New admin UI.
  • We have also made improvements on several extensions.